Thursday, February 17, 2011

Only God Through Jesus Can Satisfy

This devotion by Pastor Tony Evans of The Urban Alternative is an excellent example of speaking the Truth in love: a Truth that, surprisingly, many have yet to hear, internalize and be convicted of. May those who have ears to hear, hear.

"How has our nation become so dry in its devotion to God? The answer is simple – we have gone to other things for refreshment. We have sought ways of encouraging ourselves without God. We have turned and walked in the opposite direction, thinking that we will try something new and it will satisfy our needs. We fill the emptiness of our lives with people instead of God, and immediately they become like gods to us. Then, before we know it, they have done something to disappoint us, and we immediately feel betrayed and defeated.

In a nation that has the greatest material advantages, we want more and expect to get it. We’re no longer satisfied with simple things – we have to have the latest flat-screen television. We have the newest computer that plays more songs and that does more that we will ever use, and still we cry out for more. We have flashier cars, larger homes, walk-in closets with shelves filled with clothing that we cannot even remember buying. We repaint rooms in our houses, purchase new furniture, and still feel empty, alone, and in debt.

Only God has the ability to satisfy the deepest longing in our hearts. Sure, it is fun to wear a new shirt and feel as though you are looking your best. God is not against this. In fact, He wants us to do well in this life. However, He wants us to love Him above all things. He gives good things to His children, but when the good things become objects of worship, we find that we are headed for trouble.

God will allow us to drift until we wake up and realize that our needs cannot be satisfied by anything or anyone other than God Himself. A new marriage or a new baby will not relieve the pressure. Many times it only makes it worse.

You can stop the dryness in your life by telling the Lord what you are facing and how you feel. He understands your needs, but He also knows that the only way you truly will find refreshment and hope that lasts is by living your life for Him." Tony Evans, The Urban Alternative

“'You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,’ declares the Lord, ‘and will bring you back from captivity.'”

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