If my conscience is clear before God, I don’t have to ruminate as to why this event did or did not happen, this prayer was or was not answered, this person visited/called/sent a card/invited me to a social event or not, and on and on.
If my conscience is clear before God, meaning the Holy Spirit is not convicting me on any one point of my attitude or behavior, then I can warmly and without guilt, angst or taking things personally, accept the attitudes and actions of others, knowing full well that God is in control.
Just as my conscience is clear before God, the consciences of others may not be. How often we forget that!
We blame or give credit to ourselves, in the mindset that we are the source or font of every happening, when in actuality, others are also part of the picture, and God is working on them, just as He works on us!
So, if our conscience is clear, we know that whatever happens is not “our fault” or “something wrong with us” or even something we need to clean up.
It means God is working in the world and on people and we must let Him. We must not intervene or interfere unless and until we get specific orders from the Holy Spirit within us. We continue in prayer and gratitude that “God’s got this” and we don’t have to be God or be the reason or center of the universe for all that takes place. We understand our right place with God and pray that others come to understand their right place with Him as well.
This is the joy of walking with the Lord: the freedom to always know where we stand with Him, even if we don’t know where we stand with others. This knowing where we stand with God is the peace that goes beyond all understanding, because we humbly forgo the attempt to control and understand all.
copyright Barb Harwood