I had the opportunity this past week to hear a presentation by Bob Waliszewski, Director of Media and Culture for Focus on the Family.
He began his talk by saying "Jesus cares about what we watch and listen to." Waliszewski, after saying that, said he could basically just go home and not say another word. Because it's really pretty simple: if we remembered that Jesus really does care what we feed on via the media, we'd think twice before giving our time and money to some of the movies, television shows and other media that we watch or listen to.
Waliszewski and his team review movies, television shows, CD's and video games at Pluggedin Online, a website devoted to providing what I think are very objective reviews from a Christian Worldview. And lest you think this site or what Waliszewski has to say is just for parents or youth pastors, it's not. Both of my teens attended his presentation and said they would like to hear even more of what Waliszewski has to say. They, too, want to use this website for future reference, which will certainly come in handy when my oldest is off at college next year and won't have his parents to dissuade him from certain movies.
Go to http://www.pluggedinonline.com/ to see all of the latest reviews, especially an excellent and very thorough review of Watchmen. I must caution you that the review leaves nothing out, and you may find it disturbing. If the review is disturbing, imagine the movie itself! Waliszewski made special mention of this movie in his presentation, calling the advertising trailor very deceptive. The previews for Watchmen make it look similar to just another Batman flick. It's not. It's exceedingly violent, pornographic and disturbing. My son told me that one of his friends told him that he walked out of the movie. Please go to Pluggedin Online and read the review if you or your children are thinking of seeing Watchmen.
Pluggedin Online bases itself on Colossians 2:8 which says,
"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ."
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