Two days ago, as part of our homeschooling, my son Nicholas and I listened to Mozart’s opera “The Magic Flute.” As the music filled the air around us, and as Nicholas looked incredulous when the soprano playing the part of Princess Pamina flawlessly hit the staccato high notes, the issues of the day melted away. God in His purity alone emerged from the cloud of everyday isms, debates, problems, aches, distractions, conflicts, passions, rights, to-dos and obsessions.
Hearing this symphony took me back to being in my garden, one of the first places where God revealed Himself to me as the True Creator. As I watched a Monarch pull its crumpled self out of its golden chrysalis, and studied the mathematic-like patterns of flowers and learned how beans and peas take nitrogen from the air and hold it in the soil and Spotted Knapweed chemically changes the soil to discourage other plants--giving its own seedlings an advantage, I understood with my mind and heart Creation by True Intent. This was all way too sophisticated to be random.
The music of Mozart is also Creation by True Intent. None of it is random and all of it is meant for days like yesterday, when, through the orchestral genius God worked through a man named Mozart, I was reminded that it isn’t selfish to just enjoy God. In fact, it’s essential.
If someone came to me asking how to begin to see God, I would pair God’s Special Supernatural Revelation in His Word with His Natural Revelation, and plunk the person down in a garden of flowers with a Bible opened to the Book of John and earphones tuned to Mozart. Only a hardened heart would come away still believing in a random, self-centered and joyless world.
“Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of Zion, for great is the Holy One of Israel among you." Isaiah 12:6
“You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence." Acts 2:28
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