Thursday, September 8, 2011

Singing I Go Along Life's Road, Jesus Has Lifted My Load

Barb Harwood

Brad and I recently visited Olympic National Park in Washington. While hiking one day, we met a man and his wife on the trail and, as we began talking, soon found ourselves with a brother and sister in Christ. It turns out this man, John, is recovering from a near death-bed experience, in which he was hospitalized for a year. He almost died several times. His throat had stopped functioning so he had been on a feeding tube. As I understand it, one day something happened with the feeding tube and on that same day, in the words of our new friend, “God healed me.” John was suddenly able to swallow.
John’s telling of his story on the trail that day coincided with my own inner healing from a summer of emotional turmoil; a summer where I couldn’t seem to shake what a good friend of mine describes as “the black fog.” I had never experienced anything quite like it, and didn’t like that I couldn’t “snap out of it” (from the outside, things weren’t bad, making how I felt inside even worse!)
Right before our vacation, I knew I had to make a decision: either let this overwhelming pall entrench itself even deeper, or trust God with this thing as much as I trust Him with my salvation. That was the question I kept asking myself: “If you trust God with your Salvation, can’t you also trust Him with this?” What is faith if we don't use it? Why even have it, what's the point?
God led me to the psalms and to places in the Bible that focus on God’s victory over attack and fear (mainly in the person and life of David). I asked--begged, really--God over and over again to replace my spirit of fear with hope and to not let me be shaken, come what may. As I did, redirecting all fearful and sad thoughts to God and “praying without ceasing” for Him to encourage my heart, the “black fog” moved on. Just like John’s throat was suddenly functioning, so was I. To God be the glory, life is good again!
So when I sang the following hymn in a church service last night, I couldn’t help but smile. The words describe exactly what I’ve just experienced, and what I’m sure my new friend John experienced. The lyrics state truths we should know, and surely do know. But sometimes it takes weird times of testing and trial to sharpen the iron of our faith into something new and courageous and moving forward.

Singing I Go
Lyrics: Eliza E. Hewitt

Music: William J. Kirkpatrick
The trusting heart to Jesus clings,

Nor any ill forebodes,

But at the cross of Calv’ry, sings, 

Praise God for lifted loads!
Singing I go along life’s road,

Praising the Lord, praising the Lord,
Singing I go along life’s road,
For Jesus has lifted my load.
The passing days bring many cares,

“Fear not,” I hear Him say,

And when my fears are turned to prayers,

The burdens slip away.
Singing I go along life’s road,

Praising the Lord, praising the Lord,
Singing I go along life’s road,
For Jesus has lifted my load.
He tells me of my Father’s love,

And never slumb’ring eye,

My everlasting King above

Will all my needs supply.
Singing I go along life’s road,

Praising the Lord, praising the Lord,
Singing I go along life’s road,
For Jesus has lifted my load.
When to the throne of grace I flee,

I find the promise true,

The mighty arms upholding me

Will bear my burdens too.
Singing I go along life’s road,

Praising the Lord, praising the Lord,
Singing I go along life’s road,
For Jesus has lifted my load.
“Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you;” Ezekiel 36:26

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