(the first in a 5-part series. See previous 2 blogs for further information)
I find it ironic that the very
thing the women’s liberation movement meant to fight for, ended up making
worse. Lest one bristle at my statement, think about it: are we better off that
our teenage girls are promiscuous? That the “freedom” to have sex has turned
women into slaves to men? That sexual “freedom” has weirdly been put in the
same camp as civil liberty, as if having multiple sex partners is on the same
level as the right to vote? Are we better off that in order for a woman to gain
respect from society she must decide between a career or her children? And that
being an at-home mom has become prefaced with the word “just;” I’m just an at-home mom?
A bit of research into the women’s
lib movement reveals that one of the things this movement fights against is the
expectation that one of the responsibilities of women once they marry is to prioritize the household and raise children if they give birth to them.
That’s why husbands and wives have children, isn’t it? To raise them? And where better to do that in their own home!
The women’s lib movement of the
70’s and 80’s was the beginning of a vocal disgruntlement—abhorrence in many
cases—with raising children. Young girls and women were being taught (I felt
coerced) to resent motherhood, even before they ever had children. This
anti-motherhood movement existed to create negative presuppositions towards
motherhood in the minds of young girls and women. And for the most
part, they succeeded.
I understand that motherhood has
not been appreciated by all women at all times in history. Certainly unhappy
mothers existed in the past as now, just as unhappy professional working women
also exist. My premise is that motherhood is appreciated less so now because of
the artificial and stereotypic assessment and complaint of motherhood led by
the women’s liberation movement. And if you tell a lie often enough, it starts
to ring true to those who have no discernment. So women abandon the motherhood
ship and we see the results all around us in the form of increasingly
disenfranchised, depressed and addicted youth.
In fact, Bob Deffinbaugh, writing on the Christian work ethic
on Bible.org, shares a tremendous insight on this ditching of familial
responsibilities when he writes,
“The Bible condemns the “sluggard.” The Book of
Proverbs has a great deal to say about the sluggard, and none of it is good.
The sluggard is not one who never works; he is one who works hard to avoid the
“work” he dislikes. I believe that many “workaholics” are really sluggards.
They immerse themselves with their work, so that they can escape their
responsibilities elsewhere, such as in the home and in the church. And because
they “work so hard” society (and even the church) commends them for it, without
recognizing the evil behind it all.”
You can read the entire article at http://bible.org/seriespage/christian-work-ethic-ephesians-428.
And that is where I fault feminism:
for starting a societal mud-slinging campaign against home, hearth and motherhood, resulting in
a breakdown of the family and leading to a larger breakdown of society.
John F.
Walvoord and Roy B. Zuck, on page 1212 of the Bible Knowledge Commentary,
writing on Lamentations, have this to say about Jerusalem at the time of her
fall: “She reaped what she had sown. When she turned from God to pursue her own
idolatrous ways, she did not consider her future.” Ditto for feminism. And
feminism’s “future” is now.
Sadly, I grew up as this tragic
campaign was blasting off, brainwashed, as I now call it, by the undiscerning
female “role models” in my formative years.
Even my liberal childhood church
got into the act! The favorite song young girls chose to sing out of our Sunday
school songbook on Sunday mornings was I
am Woman by Helen Ready. The lyrics go like this:
I am woman, hear me roar
in numbers too big to ignore
And I know too much to go back an’
“Cause I’ve heard it all before
And I’ve been down there on the
No one’s ever gonna keep me down
Oh yes, I am wise
But it’s wisdom born of pain
Yes, I’ve paid the price
But look how much I gained
If I have to, I can do anything
I am strong
I am invincible
I am woman...
There are
more navel-gazing, finger-down-the-throat-verses to this song. What I notice
about these lyrics is how self-centered they are. And that is the liberation
movement’s downfall: it raised women
above others, the very thing it claimed to protest! There’s a rich idea: if
we feel disenfranchised, let’s now disenfranchise someone else to lift
ourselves up!! And their target was and continues to be, men, daughters, sons
and motherhood.
According to women’s liberation, women are better than men and above raising children full time in the home. Their mantra is self-centeredly “Nobody is ever going to be over me, a woman, to put me down. Women rule!” That doesn’t sound like liberation to me. It sounds like bondage to pride.
According to women’s liberation, women are better than men and above raising children full time in the home. Their mantra is self-centeredly “Nobody is ever going to be over me, a woman, to put me down. Women rule!” That doesn’t sound like liberation to me. It sounds like bondage to pride.
That is
where we are today. Caught in a pride of womanhood that denies its very
purpose, which—if we choose to give birth to children—is to raise them,
alongside and with a man. Oh that women have come so far from this concept of
purpose and accountability!
Why is it that women think they can
have a child and then go off and do whatever they like? Children have become
inconveniences to aspirations and strivings. Let someone else care for or
babysit the kids, as they’re just little know-nothings who don’t really count
until they turn twenty. And then, suddenly, the parents want to be in their
children’s lives! Where was that parental desire to consistently be with their
kids in the form of raising them when those children were little?
Women’s lib
wants women to ROAR: about iniquities, disadvantages, the limits placed on us.
It’s all about rights and never about responsibilities.
I overheard a woman just last week
in a coffee shop lamenting to a co-worker that she did not, in her words, “advocate for myself enough” at work after
giving birth to both of her kids. What was she “advocating” for (and
recommending her pregnant co-worker also advocate for?): Flexibility at work now that she has kids! However, the men she
works with who also have children but who did not physically give birth to
those children have to sit back and watch their female co-workers “advocate”
for themselves by asking for time off whenever they want it, and the
flexibility to work at home or make their own hours. That same man cannot “advocate”
for himself that way (nor, I’m sure, do these women’s own working husbands
“advocate” for themselves at work this way). But the "liberated" working mother
thinks she’s entitled to special treatment.
Lest one think this is an isolated case, it’s
not. I’ve heard this time and time again from working moms and from the men who
work with them.
This quote from a working woman
interviewed for a CNN Living article
titled, “The myth of Balancing Motherhood
and a Successful Career,” sums up the anti-male attitude: "All mothers have to make choices and
we're judged differently," she said. "The choices for working mothers
are more costly than it is for men.”
Why do so many women think this way
about their male working counterparts? I know many households where the men are
holding down the fort while women work and travel on business. Recently I was
in another state assisting my husband with a business project and spent a week
with two business women who had both left small children behind at home (in
case you are wondering, I was able to leave home for a week as my children no
longer live at home). One woman had left a child who was only nine months old! And who
was taking care of these little ones while these two moms traveled for an
entire week on business? Their husbands, after long days at work themselves
(making enough money, I might add, to support the entire family. These women
were at work by choice, not need).
Their husbands come home and cook dinner and clean and read bedtime stories.
But working men get no credit simply because they are men, and women have
bought into the lie that nothing is a hardship for a man. So pile on the man at
home while the woman is away at work, and make the man pick up the slack at the
office while the moms expect flexible and accommodating schedules for
themselves. This is the picture of women’s liberation.
I recently had dinner with a corporate
businessman who lamented the fact that he had to go to the office every day
while his wife stayed home with the children. He was happy she could be home
with them, but he felt he missed out while at work every day. So let’s please
have compassion for workingmen and the fatherly duties they so loyally and
steadfastly carry out whilst their working wives work and their working mom
co-workers feel entitled to special time off.
As the early women’s liberation campaign dissed
motherhood, it’s now morphing into “embracing motherhood and career,” telling
themselves and other women that they can “do it all.” But can married mothers who work outside the home have a balanced life?
Many working moms, out of self-justification, claim they can (but my mentoring
to married couples tells me they can’t. Just as men can’t “do it all” either.).
The jury is out, yet rarely does anyone offer a resounding “No” to this
question. But thankfully, Drew Barrymore has taken the first step in making it
safe to do so. In an April 5, 2013, Us
Weekly article, she said,
"You know that you're going to miss out on your child's upbringing or you see that your relationship is going to suffer if you work night and day and weekends.
"You know that you're going to miss out on your child's upbringing or you see that your relationship is going to suffer if you work night and day and weekends.
"Unfortunately, I was raised in this
like generation of like, 'Women can have it all,' and I don't think you can. I
think some things fall off the table. The good news is, what does stay on the
table becomes much more important. You've got to choose your battles,
Barrymore decided against directing and
acting so that she could be a mother to her daughter. These decisions are not
always easy, as Barrymore points out. But they are necessary:
She said: "I would miss out on my
daughter. I can't do it...It was heartbreaking to let go (of the working), but
it was a clear choice. As my daughter gets older, I'll slowly get back into it.
I'm never not going to be who I am. I'll never abandon ship completely.”
I love what
Barrymore says here because she makes three important points: mothers will make
sacrifices, good or ill; her daughter comes first and one can never get the
time lost with children back; being a mom doesn’t negate who we are as
individuals (in fact, I think it greatly enhances it).
The damage
women’s liberation has done is irrevocable for some. It’s too late to redeem
the years lost with children, or to change past or current societal presuppositions that a woman’s only value is in having a career. But it’s not too
late for our daughters, nieces and other young ladies in our midst for whom we
can bust open the false teachings of the women’s liberation movement and begin
to be faithful proclaimers of true liberation:
being the women God made us to be according to His purpose and call: which, for
many women, includes marriage and motherhood.
Lament of Liberation Lost
How deserted
lies the house
now empty at
peak of day.
No little
ones underfoot
their soft
heaving sighs absent from
the noon-day
The late
afternoon sun
angles in the
time goes
The front
door opens
Oh momentary
joy! The family returns!
Hustle and
together over a meal
and then the
beginnings of ending;
Oh sorrow.
paying bills,
bath time for little ones.
And then
all over
moving in
and out of one another’s lives.
1 Corinthians 2:12-14
1 comment:
I definitely agree - it is ironic that the actual definition of feminism is to create equality and freedom from pejorative gender constructs that restrict or create abusive situations, etc., for both women AND men. When feminism turns into a movement for matriarchal superiority, the entire point of what feminism should actually be is completely lost. True feminism should be about creating a community of respect and mutual agreement, so especially in the context of marriage and responsibilities therein, as you mention, the women's lib movement that you are describing is destroying this desired mutual cooperation and community restoration. It instead proliferates the modern myth that individualism is the ultimate, best, and only logical goal. Alternatively, when we approach gender ideologies from Jesus' perspective, or approach any group of individuals who do receive cultural, social, and political 'oppression' (however you wish to define that word) we see acceptance, restoration of dignity, and the restoration to a healthy, mutually abiding community interaction. The women's lib movement definitely destroys this image. Great insight! :D
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