Friday, April 11, 2014

Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung

A new book out by Moody Publishers, Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung, is the one book every Christian should read this year (along with their Bible, of course!). In fact, I am going to feature some excerpts from the book in upcoming daily posts to encourage folks to do just that. 

Let's begin with this one:

     "So here's the real heart of the matter: Does God have a secret will of direction that He expects us to figure out before we do anything? And the answer is no. Yes, God has a specific plan for our lives. And yes, we can be assured that He works things for our good in Christ Jesus. And yes, looking back we will often be able to trace God's hand in bringing us to where we are. But while we are free to ask God for wisdom, He does not burden us with the task of divining His will of direction for our lives ahead of time.
     The second half of that last sentence is crucial. God does have a specific plan for our lives, but it is not one that He expects us to figure out before we make a decision."

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