Monday, August 4, 2014

God Equips His People

As I mentioned, I have just finished a personal study of 1 and 2 Timothy. The following, from the study guide Walking in Power, Love, and Discipline by Kay Arthur, David Lawson and Bob Vereen, is a great composite of how God equips His people:

     “God has given us all that we need to do all that He created us to accomplish while here on planet Earth. He has given us grace, mercy, and peace. He has given us power to suffer, love for our enemies, and self-control for those times when it seems we’re going to be overwhelmed and not in control of our own emotions. He has given us confidence that He is able to keep safely that which we have entrusted to Him. He gives us strength in our times of weakness and understanding in all things. He is not restricted by our limitations, is not moved from faithfulness by our failures, and is not unaware that we belong to Him. He delivers, equips, judges...and rewards. He compensates our enemies according to their deeds, stands by us when no one else will, and uses us to speak when no one wants to hear. He will deliver us from every evil deed, bring us safely to His heavenly kingdom, and when this life is over, He will welcome us into our permanent, eternal dwelling place to live with Him forever!
     God has given us His Word and instructed us not to be ashamed of it but to suffer for it, to retain its standard, to guard it from all manner of evil, to entrust it to faithful men, to handle it accurately in our studies, to continue in it every day of our lives, and to preach it when it’s convenient and when it’s not. His Word gives us wisdom that leads to salvation and is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness so that we might be adequate, equipped for every good work.
Paul knew this. Paul shared this with us. No wonder Paul could stand at the end of his life and declare with certainty: ‘I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, and I have kept the faith.’
     What do you know about Him and what He’s given you? What will you say at the end of your life?”

Arthur, Lawson and Vereen

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