Tuesday, July 14, 2020

On the Leadership of Self

The following quote is taken from the book, Conscious Capitalism, written by John Mackey (CEO and cofounder of Whole Foods Market) and Dr. Rajendra Sisodia, professor of Global Business at Babson College. Both are cofounders of the nonprofit Conscious Capitalism, Inc.

"Ultimately, our greatest challenge as leaders is to manage and lead ourselves: to make wise choices, to learn and grow and evolve as human beings. Today's world offers us nearly limitless choices, says Peter Koestenbaum: 'We've reached such explosive levels of freedom that, for the first time in history, we have to manage our own mutation. It's up to us to decide what it means to be a successful human being. That's the philosophical task of the age.'
It is also our greatest opportunity for service, and the rewards to our organizations, our families, and ourselves personally are virtually limitless. First we must become more conscious, act in ways that help make the world a better place, and then share our wisdom with the world. That is the hero's journey."
John Mackey and Raj Sisodia

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