Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Discipleship: the Discernment of Christ Imparted

Continuing with the theme of discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer scholar Dallas Roark summarizes Bonhoeffer's take on the transformation of natural man/woman into a disciple of Christ:

"In discipleship 'men become individuals.' 
Before this they stood under the facade of responsibilities, duties, and relationships to the world. But the call of Christ demands a break with the world as well as with the past. Christ's call places a barrier between man and the world. Man must forsake the world, but in doing so he learns that he never really knew the world. In Christ he finds a new relationship possible between himself and God, between himself and man, between himself and reality. All relationships now are to be mediated through Christ. Being in Christ, it becomes possible to see how isolated man is from man. It is impossible to know another person directly. Because Christ now stands between man and neighbor, the shortest and most direct way to the neighbor is through Christ." 
Dallas Roark

"This type of individuality is harder, for it is easier to return to the way of direct relationships with people and forfeit our discipleship in Christ." 
Dallas Roark

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