Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Narrow and the Wide

To consciously embark through the narrow gate is to reject Pop-Christianity, that continually amorphous, shape-shifting monster that continues to lure, and then hypnotize, its victims.

Be it liberal bleeding heart "Christian" justice-signaling and New Agism, or conservative "Christian" nationalizing and culture-stigmatizing, the hate that emanates from both against anyone with a lifestyle, political identity or religious belief contrary to their self-diagnosed and decided upon Jesus is the bulldozer that expands the street, making way for additional emotionally and psychologically immature adherents.

This hate is masked, and thus promulgated, by its groupies and fan base as justified self-righteousness. 

In liberal circles, this disdain claims ownership of their chosen minority, donning blinders to actual and positive progress that threatens its narcissistic addiction to relevance and self-aggrandizement. The notes of its Kumbaya are sung only to the ears of those like them.  

On the conservative side, it plays out, in equal blindness, as compassionate concern for the "unsaved" and the attacked-by-culture nation, with “their" God overtly on “their” side, and Satan the ever-persistent and present opponent (if Satan is behind everyone they disagree with, hate is so much easier). 

And so the avenue of supposed Christian spirituality widens in self-serving boldness and vehement posturing, all jockeying in egotistical belief to be “The Way.” 

Meanwhile, the narrow gate and footpath of Christ remains.

Upon it, the wisely discerning gracefully reject the multi-lane human highways of a co-opted Christ running roughshod across the land.

Copyright Barb Harwood

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