Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The Community Becomes What it Models

The way to learn how to become what we desire to become is to see others modeling it. 

If, however, all we observe and experience, especially from a young age, is haughtiness, crudeness and defensiveness, how will we ever learn grace?

How will we grow strong if we only surround ourselves with weakness?

If our community, family or social circle sets a tone of victimhood, they leave no room for and are unsupportive of—even hostile to (out of jealousy, mostly)—the already-healed, those desiring to heal and those who are just beginning the process of healing.

When our community strongly implies that “if you’re not sharing something negative, you’re not sharing,” then petty mediocrity closes the road to maturity—and moving forward— for all.

In failing to heartily acknowledge and intellectually appreciate progress and recovery—be it in people and politics, history and health; in denying goodness and being uncomfortable with encouragement; in refusing to stand in ovation at overcoming; in stubbornly turning away from the visible righteousness of God; then we, as a community, are, and will remain, a glass half empty. 

Copyright Barb Harwood

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