Friday, September 23, 2022

The Insidious Creep of Complaint


Habitual complaint derives from lack of gratefulness--that deep-seated, top-of-mind appreciation for what we do have materially, in health, and in relationships. 

A state of habitual complaint derives from a perspective or motive of concern, worry, resentment, hurt, anger, disappointment or self-imposed inadequacy, and thrives because it makes our vulnerability less scary.

In complaint, we feel control--but it is a chimera.

And while we strut in the false esteem of criticisms, hoping to be something, we miss the sound foundation and peace of what is genuinely good, joyfully true and miraculously right with our world, and the world at large. All of which, ironically, check vulnerability's fear with a serene confidence and grounded hope. 

copyright Barb Harwood

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