Saturday, October 8, 2022

To Live in Today


What if we reached a tipping point and finally saw, in astonishing conviction, that we must—even better, we can, live in today, meaning this very day, moment by moment until it closes and our eyes find sleep. 

This isn’t a living for today, as if the day were our taskmaster, but living in today, in the wisdom of God our leader and guide.

Every thought, then; every word spoken; every question; thinks, speaks and asks only in the reality and now of today. 

And what if we took memories, and allowed only the good and productive ones to accompany us into this day—not so that we can lament their being past, but instead to treasure as a buoy in our present. 

This buoy is not to tie our boat to, but to take hold of in the day in which we live in sorrow and fear of drowning. Its' beacon of lovely remembrance will save us from the undertow of woeful self-sabotage, and encourage us that this too—whatever “this” is—shall pass.  

And whatever has not been good, lovely, true, wise, kind, honorable, commendable and pure—in our past selves and others, and in past experiences—we leave behind because we have the freedom to. Not only that, but wisdom begs and advises it. 

This is a new and curious sensation, to go forward without the antiquated baggage and negative realities of the past. 

It would be wonderful, wouldn’t it, to see what this could be like? 

So then, let’s give it a try. 

Let’s find out and live only in today.

Copyright Barb Harwood

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