Monday, December 2, 2019


"A productive and happy life is not something that you find; it is something that you make." 
Martin Luther King, Jr., writing in his book, Where Do We Go From Here? Chaos or Community?

"They did not actually impose this happiness; they offered it. I was free to take it or not as I chose--like distant music which you need not listen to unless you wish, like a delicious faint wind on your face which you can easily ignore. One was invited to surrender to it. And the odd thing is that something inside me suggested that it would be 'sensible' to refuse the invitation; almost that I would be better employed in remembering that I was going to do a job I do not greatly enjoy and that I should have a very tiresome journey back to Oxford. Then I silenced this inward wiseacre. I accepted the invitation--threw myself open to this feather, impalpable, tingling, invitation. The rest of the journey I passed in a state which can be described only as joy." 
C.S. Lewis, writing in Present Concerns: Journalistic Essays

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