Saturday, May 8, 2021

Living the Knowledge

The following quotes are those of Warren Wiersbe, from his book, Be Alert

I have zeroed in on his keen insights regarding knowledge, and how knowledge isn't really anything if not lived out. 

“The word know or knowledge is used at least thirteen times in this short epistle (2 Peter). The word does not mean a mere intellectual understanding of some truth…It means a living participation in the truth…”

“The word translated knowledge…means ‘full knowledge’ or ‘knowledge that is growing.’ The word used here suggests practical knowledge or discernment. It refers to the ability to handle life successfully…This kind of knowledge does not come automatically. It comes from obedience to the will of God (John 7:17). In the Christian life, you must not separate the heart and the mind, character and knowledge.” 

“Through the Word of God, we discover the truth abut ourselves, our world, and our God. As we face this truth honestly, we experience the liberating power of the Spirit of God. We cease living in a world of fantasy and enter a world of reality, and through the power of God, we are able to fulfill His will, grow in grace, and ‘reign in life by one, Jesus Christ’ (Rom. 5:17).”

“It is not profession of spirituality that marks a true believer but possession of the Spirit of God within (Rom. 8:9).

“The word of God was written to common people, not to theological professors. The writers assumed that common people could read it, understand it, and apply it, led by the same Holy Spirit who inspired it. The humble individual believer can learn about God as he reads and meditates on the Word of God; he does not need the ‘experts’ to show him truth…Teachers and creeds have their place, but they must not usurp the authority of the Word over the conscience of the individual believer.” 

“How easy it is to grow in knowledge but not in grace! All of us know far more of the Bible than we really live…when we combine grace and knowledge, we have a marvelous tool for building our lives…”

“…we are challenged to grow, not just in knowledge of the Bible, as good as that is, but ‘in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.’ It is one thing to ‘know the Bible,’ and quite another thing to know the Son of God…The better we know Christ through the Word, the more we grow in grace; the more we grow in grace, the better we understand the Word of God.”

“God has revealed truth in the person of His Son and in the pages of His Word. He has given us ‘the Spirit of truth’ to teach us and to enable us to know truth (John 14:16-17; 16:13). 

But the truth is not only an objective revelation from the Father, but also a subjective experience in our personal lives….This means that ‘knowing the truth’ is much more than giving assent to a body of doctrines…it means ‘reality’ as opposed to mere appearance…”

“It is much easier to study the truth, or even argue about the truth, than it is to practice it!"

“God gave us the Holy Spirit to teach us and to lead us into new understanding and application of the truth (Joh 16:12-16) and we must constantly grow (2 Peter 3:18)."

A future post will include Wiersbe's thoughts on growth. 

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