“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” Colossians 2:8
The definition of a hollow and deceptive philosophy is defined within the above verse:
It depends upon human tradition.
It depends upon the basic principles of this world.
It does not depend on Christ.
How do we determine what a human tradition is?
A human tradition is one created and established by humans and is extra-Biblical, meaning it is not found in the Bible.
How do we determine what a basic principle of this world is?
It is a principle that is created and established by man that is extra-Biblical, meaning it is not found in the Bible.
How do we know when something does not depend on Christ?
You guessed it: when it is extra-Biblical and not found in the Bible.
How do we know what does and does not depend upon Christ?
We read the revelation of Christ—and all wisdom and knowledge provided to us about Him—in His very own Holy Word, the Bible.
Multitudes of people claim to be following Christ, yet have never read the Bible, or do not read it daily or weekly. Therefore they have not learned and are not growing in the knowledge of who, exactly Christ is and what, exactly, He isn’t.
That’s how denominational human traditions have come to replace Christ, or have come to be considered equal to Christ.
The only way to not be taken captive is to “examine everything carefully” (1 Thessalonians 5:21a). Other translations say to “test everything.”
With what are we to examine and test everything?
God’s Word.
“Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaming lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).
In case we are yet confused as to what is of the world and what is of the Bible, the Bible will not leave us wondering. It makes it quite clear when we are willing to take the time to read it.
Some examples:
In 1 Peter 5, the apostle Peter is teaching on how to lead the flock of believers. Oversight is to be done voluntarily, according to the will of God, not for sordid gain; not lording it over but as an example to the flock.
Also, the younger are to be teachable, and all are to clothe themselves in humility toward one another because God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble.
Not hard to understand, is it? But if we aren’t in Scripture, then we may be, and probably will give in to, the temptation to lead others according to the basic principles of this world, namely by lording it over other people for sordid (selfish, self-seeking) gain.
We will remain stuck in our pride (not grow in humility), and, if we are young, we will fail in our thinking that we know it all and that our elders are clueless nitwits.
The Bible is Christ’s own word to live by, not just to read or intellectually or theologically disassemble. It is the Word that, if we have the eyes and ears of Christ via His Holy Spirit, instructs us, time and time again.
Finally, Scripture, informs us as to how to protect ourselves from the powers of darkness of this world as we are learning to internalize and live out Christ:
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might” (Ephesians 6:10).
Let’s stop there for a moment so that we don’t miss this: Scripture says to be strong in the Lord and in His might. What does the world say? Be strong in yourself and in your own might!
Okay, let’s continue with the Ephesians 6 verse:
“Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Stand firm, therefore, HAVING GIRDED YOUR LOINS WITH TRUTH, and HAVING PUT ON THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, and having shod YOUR FEET WITH THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE; in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take THE HELMET OF SALVATION, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” Ephesians 6:11-17.
As an aside, for those wondering about “the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places,” please go to this link that explains clearly what is meant:
The above Ephesians passage ends with where I began today: with the question of “How can we know what is hollow and deceptive? How can we know what depends upon human tradition and worldly principles and not on Christ?
Scripture. We cut through all hollow and deceptive philosophy and the worldview and behavior that results from it with the sword of the Spirit, the Bible.
“For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge. For not knowing about God’s righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the head of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes" Romans 10:2-4...
"How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, ‘HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS OF GOOD THINGS!’” Romans 10:14-15
The Bible is that good news. Paul, Peter and the other inspired writers beautifully brought it to the people of their time and wrote it down for the people of all time.
“Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:7-8
“But evil men and imposters will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:13-17
Copyright Barb Harwood
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