Monday, March 8, 2021

A Woman Under God

During the years of my Christian walk, I have observed the occasional woman who has desired to grow spiritually alongside her husband, but he has not. 

Perhaps it was a group Bible study she wanted herself and her husband to join, or a Bible study they could do together privately as a couple at home. But because the husband never responded to her request, or refused, the woman never went ahead and studied the Bible on her own; she never picked up a Bible to begin her reading, or in some cases, stopped reading the Bible altogether. 

This is a sad, unfortunate state of affairs. 

And ironic, with some of these same women prioritizing equality with men. 

Clearly there must be a desire for male leadership when they wait for their husbands to take the lead in their (the woman’s) own spiritual maturity, or turn away entirely from growing in faith simply because their husband won't join them.  

My answer to this is that these women stop waiting for their husbands, and go ahead and read and study the Bible anyway. 

The hope is that the husband will be drawn into the study at some point, or will see the wife maturing without him and decide to get on board. 

But even if he never does, the woman must not give up on herself. Her accountability is to God, not her husband.

This is the Biblical way. The Bible never says that a woman, or any person, must wait for someone else to take the lead when it comes to the Biblical maturation process. 

Our walk with Christ is our own personal responsibility, accomplished by the power of God’s Spirit and from the reading of His Word.

“Rise up; this matter is in your take courage and do it.” Ezra 10:4, in part

Copyright Barb Harwood

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