Sunday, March 14, 2021

For Just One Moment

For just one moment, it’s all okay: 

The sibling relationships that are the way they are.

The friendships that I tried, but couldn’t, make work.

The novels I never wrote.

The impact I never had.

The ideals that ended up being nothing more than narcissistic self-interest.

The emotions I handled poorly, hurting others.

All of it. 

It’s okay.

For just one moment, everything’s right with the world.

An onslaught of hard-won change wrought by God throughout many years has made it so; brought it to this point.

Where redemption has happened, it has happened because, out of the learning of God’s will, I, out of His Spirit’s internal encouragement to align, went after it

We went after the ultimate arrival to this one moment because my life depended on it. God and I kept at it. And kept at it. And kept at it.

And now, “for just one moment” is here, in all its promised glory. 

Everything is alright. It is wondrously okay.

Any detail not redeemed most likely cannot be. It’s okay.

No unfinished business remains. My mission of reconciling the past with God, others and myself is finished. 


And it’s all good. 

I am at sincere peace with having given it my all.

In a conscience of redeemed and reconciled soul, everything’s okay. 

Everything’s alright.

For just one moment, always.

Copyright Barb Harwood 

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