Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Love is Kind When it Allows Others the Freedom to Be, and to Become

The following quotes are from the book, Patience: How We Wait Upon the World by David Baily Harned:

"Why is it written in 1 Corinthians 13 that love is not only patient but kind? What new element does kindness contribute? Part of the answer is that patience can be exercised, as we know, in sterile as well as fruitful ways. It is not invariably a good even when formed by love, because some loves are no more than selfish attempts to assure the continuation of our lives through others. The patience we show others in order that they might become more like us is no virtue but a work of pride, and as great a vice as impatience...Human patience is meant to reflect in some small way the forbearance of the God who made men and women to offer their own distinctive contributions, not only in what they produce but in who they are. Patient love is kind because it guards the time and space of others so that they may become whatever they choose to become, in their own way and at their own pace.

"Perhaps the most difficult lesson any man or woman must learn is to let a spouse or child or other loved one have room...Love can stifle and suffocate...if it is not shaped and ordered by constant patience." 

(bold and italics mine)

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